Introducing FIT 15

– 2 Aloe Vera gels
– 1 pouch of lite ultra
– 90 softgels of Garcinia
– 30 tablets of Therm
– 15 sachets of Fibre
My joy, as you know is to help you reach your ideal BMI or body shape and maintaining it. FIT15 is a 15 day program and perfect follow-up for clean 9 which can be done once or more depending on your goals.
Note that clean 9 is basically a Detox to flush out toxins and prepare the body for the main act which is fit15 to lose more fat, break bad habits and be able to sustain a healthier lifestyle and lock in the body with lean muscle replacing the fat for a firmer and more toned up frame that leaves you least susceptible to weight gain.
- More kg loss
- More inches off especially the tummy area
- Toning up.
- Firmer body frame
- Adoption of a healthier lifestyle; eating and fitness
- Making the new transformation permanent not to regain back weight.
- Looking and feeling better!!!